De leeuw als totemdier
Channeling van de leeuw
‘Being a wounded lion, I represent all wounded men living in society. Men who only feel weak and not being able to use their real force: being the king and the leader of the universe, their universe.
Being wounded, there is no space to freely run, play with other animals. Being caged is not being able to fully express my leadership, but only feeling forced to bow for abused forces. That made me weak and more aggressive than I should be, than is my real nature. The fight against the system that locked me up in a cage, presenting me to the outside world if I was a toy to play with, is more agressive and a way of abusing force, than you can imagine. I should have lived the life of my ancestors, free, running wild in the jungle, playing my own role.
So many men in society cannot be that leader that they should be. There is no respect for their true nature, to be honest, just like me, so many men lost their connection with the true nature of being a leader and being the king of their universe. They sleep in cages, just like I did, they bowed for the untrue forces, they smile without a reason but only because it is asked from them so they will be fed.
I am so happy to be back with my ancestor lions, so I can restore and feel my original power again. I will be pleased to join you in the workshop and share my original power with you, so all of you will be able to feel real leadership from the core of their being and feel the respect, so we can all play together in that form we are supposed to play life at this planet. Wrrraaaaaah.’
Nieuwe, vrije kracht
Vandaag ontdekte ik dat ik door het verbinden met de ziel van deze gekooide leeuw, die nu na zijn dood vrij is, ik kennis heb gemaakt met de oorspronkelijke kracht van de leeuw die zich vrij voelt in de jungle. Die kracht voelt zachter en minder agressief dan hoe ik hem kende. Deze nieuwe, krachtige leeuwenenergie geef ik graag door. Voel je welkom voor een Trauma Bevrijding Intensive, zodat ook jij deze innerlijke kracht kunt voelen, ervaren en inzetten als het nodig is.
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